Showing posts with label Learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Learning. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Learning AWS - Reflections after a Year in the Cloud

In 2018, a new job for me meant a new tech stack: AWS. Regardless of how long you’ve been developing software, new infrastructure can make you feel like you're starting from scratch. Jumping from a company with a cold room full of mainframes to somewhere cloud native was a shock, but I've enjoyed learning this wide world of cloud^h^h^h^h^hsomeone elses computer. If you feel like a cloud n00b, this post collects tips and tricks for learning cloud development from zero.

As with everything, pace yourself when trying to understand AWS and how to use it. If you feel blocked, put down one service and try another. I have found my happy path is a mixture of study, practical labs, poking around company infrastructure, and handling support rotations. Each contribute, in the long-run, to understanding the available services and building effective products upon them.

The Basics - AWS Vocabulary

The Cloud - Someone else’s computer. Keep this in mind when learning about AWS. It’s all just servers in a data center somewhere else. AWS may take care of a large or small portion of managing these computers for us, and they charge a large or small fee for the privilege.

Identity Access Management, IAM - Amazon’s method of controlling access and permissions to AWS resources. Users can have multiple IAM roles. EC2 Instances use IAM roles. Policies rely on IAM roles to allow/deny access so you only make resources available to those that need to access it.

Regions - A set of AWS data centers that are geographically related but operationally separate. Resources, accounts and VPCs can occupy a specific region.

Availability Zones - Each Region has at least three AZs. Each AZ is a data center separated from others within a specific Region. Each have independent power, cooling, and compute resources to enable you to add fault tolerance to your applications. If internet connections or power to one AZ goes down, you should be able to launch resources in the remaining AZs to compensate for the outage.

Fully Managed Service - AWS services that are fully-managed handle scaling, replication, fault-tolerance and latency without you needing to consider it. A big one is managed Elasticsearch clusters. All you need to do is specify a few parameters and AWS configures the rest (for the most part). Though you don't have to do nearly as much management, learning how to tune managed services is still up to you to solve.

EC2, Elastic Compute Cloud - Virtual machines you can launch on a whim, using the OS you desire, configuring them as you please. This is the backbone of AWS's successes. EC2 is the opposite of fully-managed services. AWS gives you the box, and you do the rest.

Learning Resources

AWS has a host of resources available to help you to learn what options are available. If you’ve never worked with a cloud provider before, I suggest taking some of their video training for Cloud Practitioner Essentials. Login with an Amazon (not AWS) account at Some trainings include labs that walk you through how to start your own instances, marshal AWS resources, and build a thing for yourself in the cloud. Pick something that matches your skill and engagement level, or use their workshop syllabus to self-guide training.

One of the best ways to learn cloud infrastructure is by doing. AWS offers a massive amount of services at a free-tier. Small VMs, hours of lambdas, and lots of S3 space can be used to learn a service without paying a dime to Amazon. YouTube tutorials about services often are built specifically to never breach free-tier levels of usage. Take advantage of this if getting your hands dirty helps you learn the best. Various online learning companies have video training and integrated quizzes/tests. Some have labs that rely on the free-tier of AWS so you can learn at basically no charge. If you're learning for work, talk to your manager about supporting a subscription if you have a specific avenue of study you want to go down:

If you’re a book person, AWS sponsors official study guides for each certification they offer. These can go out of date fairly quickly, but even an old version will help you get your feet wet when using a prominent service (DNS is DNS, and a Route 53 study guide will be largely applicable next year as last). Check the public library for a guides that will be applicable even if they aren't current. Find a slack channel at work or speak with experienced engineers. Context from experience can break a logjam of misunderstanding faster than reading the AWS docs for the fifth time.


The AWS certifications are not required to work with cloud resources, but they can be a big boost to your confidence. If certifications and tests are your preferred method of study, here are a few lines that have been recommended:

  • AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials - Good overview of AWS resources, administration, security, and budgeting. Take this if you’ve never used cloud resources before and want to come up to speed fast. Available as a series of videos with a free online test for certification.

  • AWS Solutions Architect - This is another broad level of study that can be useful after studying Practitioner. It offers a good overview of current offerings at AWS. You might use some, others not so much. Sometimes it feels like a sales pitch for their managed services, but the curriculum is useful for determining what is possible during the initial phases of a project. The multi-tiered certifications offer a learning path that can scale to your experience and career trajectory.

  • AWS Certified Developer - A deep dive on developing with AWS, the Developer cert study can be helpful in learning how to build on AWS as a developer. The practical labs and study areas cover some of the same problems you might have to solve every day in taking an idea from concept to supportable, sellable, product. This set of certs is also multi-tiered, and it can scale with your own experience if you feel like you need a fresh challenge.

  • AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Another deep-dive learning path that can help understand how to configure, secure, and economize cloud resources. Covers management and tooling available to keep a cloud running smoothly and safely without breaking the bank. Also has multiple tiers of certification.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

New Year, New DEF CON

During the DEF CON 26 DC101 Panel, someone (probably highwiz) asked one of the n00bs they brought on-stage, "What makes you a hacker?" In the past, it has been used by bad actors as an aggressive question.  Thoughtful types and artists have used it as a prompt.  But here it was dripping with curiosity.  "Why do you go to DEF CON?"

I'm more than a year out from a move that took me far from my hometown of Las Vegas to an adventure into the Pacific Northwest.  Budgets, family and time being what they are, I too had to ask myself, "What makes you a hacker?  Why should you go to DEF CON, again?"  Obviously, moving two states makes it harder to go.  Plane tickets are cheap enough in cattle-class, and I'm lucky to have family and friends in town upon which I can rely for lodging.  But family illness and obligation are also considerations, and this feeling in the pit of my stomach topped it all off: the idea that I no longer belonged.

Ironically, this security-focused community is affected by deep insecurities.  Concerns of legitimacy, competence, and belonging haunt us collectively, as do public examples of snake oil, burnout, and depression.  Discussions of Impostor's Syndrome are almost cliche in their frequency.  As is the mouth-agape disbelief following one of our rock stars admitting they second-guess themselves.  This loose band of social misfits and punks emerged from in our cocoon of BBSes and IRC to be famously dysfunctional. We have had to exorcise #MeToo demons, and our unhealthy relationship with alcohol keeps many away for fear of their own safety.  As a late-comer to DEF CON, I have not been personally affected by loss of friends in the community, but there's a reason Amber Baldet gave a talk on Suicide Interventions at DC21.  Hackers in my cohort are maturing as well.  Some of us are on their third career since the demoscene, and it has veered wildly away from any Information Security role.  There has to be something that keeps us coming back to the desert in August.  It sure ain't the unmistakable fragrance of Sunday morning talks.

It is a bit of a balancing act to maintain a conference that keeps drawing more and more people.  As of this writing, DC28 is scheduled to use almost 400,000 sq. ft. of conference space in a brand new facility.  Almost 30 villages with both broad and niche topics have formed, and each is a mini-con in and of itself.  Along with this widening scope, there were public and repeated attempts by The Dark Tangent to reestablish DEF CON as a Hacker event and set it apart from the Information Security industry where so many of its attendees find employment.  In the past, DT has publicly disinvited the Feds, and the run-up to DC27 saw another public clarification that while individual villages arrange their own sponsorship, DEF CON maintains no corporate sponsors.  You can see the push and pull of "What makes you a hacker?" at the highest levels.

And so we approach a new year and a new DEF CON.  Since DC19, I've grown with the conference.  I started managing Toxic BBQ with the help of friends and this will be our fifth consecutive kick-off barbecue.  People just show up to create an inviting space from scratch for anyone that can find it.  I won a Black Badge with my son at DC 26 by solving crypto puzzles and have tried to contribute in equal measure since then. And yet there's this nagging feeling...

Ultimately, I've decided the gate-keeping question is not an important one to answer.  What I give to and get from DEF CON keeps me going.  I'm comes down to a desire to think things I have never thought before.  I may not be able to show off like some, but I can gawk with the best of them at the Hacker Carnival.  DC28's theme, Discovery!, is right out of my high school years when the internet promised the sum-total of human knowledge at our fingertips and all that we could do once those barriers dropped.  Maybe we can celebrate by shedding our insecurities.  Just for the weekend.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Aviary: Huckleberry

The Aviary, Pg 404

One of the cocktails hailing from The Office, a speakeasy basement bar underneath The Aviary, this seemed simple to assemble with only one bit of complicated machinery: a sous vide.  Also, the presentation alone was intoxicating: a frothy head atop a mauve concoction? Sign me up!

I was able to obtain a chinois at a Goodwill.  The strainer and pestle separates juice from pulp and seeds.  However, the main ingredient is a clove tincture (fancy word for Everclear infused with clove). This required a sous vide as written.  As long as I've heard about them, I have never pulled the trigger on this low temperature wonder-machine (I don't have an instant pot either).  I figured it was time to lay that to rest.

There are plenty of DIY sous vide videos on the internet.  I settled on one that recommended a rice cooker combined with an industrial 110V AC temperature controller instead of a brewer's setup.  The most important part of this setup is the type of heated pot you use.  I couldn't use my crock pot, for example, because it had a digital control.  Every time the power cut off and then back on, it would not return to heating the pot.  My manual-switch rice cooker worked like a charm, however.  Then, for $20 in parts from the hardware store and $20 for the temperature controller on Amazon, I had a safe contraption through which to control my rice cooker and keep a pot of water within 2 degrees of a specific temperature for any length of time (perhaps "safe" is relative; use wire nuts and an electrical box when playing with mains, kids; the picture below shows iteration one with no cover).

The clove tincture was dead simple but extremely smelly.  $1 in bulk cloves and some Everclear got me a half dropper full of the cloviest drops the ever passed your nose. A word of warning: toasting the cloves is a horrendously smokey business.  Do this with a hood on full blast or outside.  We had to open all the windows and run for coffee.  I already had a vacuum sealer so I dumped the toasted cloves into a bag, poured on the alcohol, and dunked it into the rice cooker for an hour.  I decanted the result into an amber bottle with dropper and savored the aroma (which wasn't hard; it was everywhere).

The rest of the recipe was fairly simple.  Huckleberries don't come into season until August, so we went with blackberries from Mexico.  The syrup came together easy with a few gradually finer strainings.  6oz made 166g of juice.  Amaro Averna from Total Wine, Bombay Gin on sale, and Angostura bitters I already had on hand completed the boozy bits.  A quick trip through a shaker came out with a pink foamy pour that gradually separated into mauve and foam.  The bitters and pepper hit our nose, and the herbal hit of the drink completes it.  It's just sweet enough with off-season blackberries to be pleasant without being overpowering.  As we drank, we noticed the colors change and aromas deepen.  Very fun and dynamic drink.

A second round (can't waste syrup, after all) made with vodka toned down the herbal nature.  This will probably be the version I make for myself unless the guests are already gin drinkers.  Too close to 'too much' pine.  A friend suggested ditching the clove and replacing it by painting the glass with Chartreuse.  Either way, this seems to be a reliable cocktail to just have on hand.  Freezing berry syrup during their season in 2oz portions and the huge amount of clove tincture I have left over means it will be quick to assemble with a fun story to tell while we shake it up.

Dan Moves North

Plenty has gone on in the past year. Here's a quick rundown:

- Learned how to quilt. 104 patches from my tour-guiding days on a lap quilt.

- Learned how to Black Badge at DEF CON 26. Shout out to my fellow Murder Hobos, PunkAB, and the entire Dungeons@DEFCON team for this kick-ass experience.

- Learned how to move across country through forest fires and with cats

- Learned how to survive a leg infection possibly from a cat scratch (not pictured; it was pretty gnarly)

- Learned how to not buy board games. I finished a 10x10 (play ten games ten times or more) without buying any new games in between. Moving thinned the collection, but it still takes up an entire linen closet.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Testing Encryption - 3 years of Dan Boneh's Online Cryptography Course

Three years ago in July, I completed Dan Boneh's online cryptography course with distinction through Coursera's Cryptography 1.  Since then, I've had the opportunity to use and test cryptographic systems at work and for hobbies.  Here are a few lessons learned when testing encryption.

I have found my fair share of bugs in the crypto we chose to use at work.  I've gotten into a routine when testing encryption used for message authentication:
  • Test the same plaintext multiple times.  Does it need to be different each time?  How much of the MAC is different each time?  It might help to explore the data your hashing function spits out as it can tell you how your hash function does what it does.
  • Replay it.  How can a user abuse identical MAC'd data if they replay it at a later date?  For a different user?  Can you add items to the plaintext that will allow you to validate not only the data but the source or timeframe as well?
  • Ensure your hashes are detecting changes. Is your MAC rejected if you change the data at various places within the message?
  • Rotate the key. Do you need a hash to survive a key change?  Usually you can just regenerate the data and re-MAC it, so figure out if you really need to use MACs over long lifetimes.  They're easy to compute.
  • Generate a bunch at once.  Is performance an issue with the service?  Most hashes are built for speed, but is yours?
For each of these failure modes, I'm looking mostly for hints of weakness.  I'm expecting pseudo-random noise, but how does my brain distinguish that from almost random noise?

There are many times when you need to generate a unique but random value but don't have the space to use a GUID.  To evaluate if a solution will be "unique enough", check out the Birthday problem wikipedia page, and this table of probabilities in particular.  Find out how many possible values exist (9 numeric digits = 10^9 ~= 2^30).  Compare on the table with that value as the hash space size versus the number of times you'll be setting this value.  This will tell you if the algorithm you want to use is sufficient.  If you are making long-term IDs that can only be created once, you obviously  want the probability of collision to be extremely low.  If you can recover from a collision by creating a new transaction fairly readily, you might not need as much assurance.  Ive used this to help drive a decision to increase unique token size from 13 to 40 characters, guide switching from SQL auto-numbers to random digits to hide transaction volumes, and ensure internal transaction IDs are unique enough to guide troubleshooting and reporting.

Time and again, the past three years have taught me that cryptography must be easy for it to be used widely.  I've stayed with Signal for text messaging because it just works.  I can invite friends and not be embarrassed at its user interface.  It doesn't tick all the boxes (anonymity is an issue being a centralized solution), but it has enough features to be useful and few shortcomings.  This is the key to widespread adoption of encryption for securing communications.  Since Snowden revealed the extent of the NSA's data collection capability, sites everywhere have switched on HTTPS through Let's Encrypt. Learning more about each implementation of SSH and TLS in the course was both informative and daunting. I was anxious to get HTTPS enabled without rehosting the site on my own.  Early 2018, Blogger added the ability to do just that through Let's Encrypt.  It requires zero configuration once I toggle it on.  I can't sing its praises enough.  The content of this blog isn't exactly revolutionary, but this little move toward a private and authentic web helps us all.

Dan Boneh's Cryptography course continues to inform my testing.  The core lesson still applies: "Never roll your own cryptography."  And the second is how fragile these constructs are.  Randomness is only random enough given the time constraints.  Secure is only secure enough for this defined application.  Every proof in the course is only as good as our understanding of the math, and every implementation is vulnerable at the hardware, software, and user layers.  In spite of this, it continues to work because we test it and prove it hasn't broken yet.  I'm looking forward to another three years of picking it apart.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Wristband Teardown from Amazon's #FireTVSDCC Event at San Diego Comic Con

A friend returned from San Diego Comic Con 2018 with an RFID bracelet used to track users in the Amazon Fire TV experience (on Twitter, #FireTVSDCC).  This is a teardown of the bracelet after the event.  At this time, I was unable to read from the bracelet.

The bracelet is fairly simple with a cloth band and plastic/paper tab threaded through.  The closure is plastic and one-way.  It bites into and mangles the cloth band if you attempt to remove, but you could probably shim it with tools and practice.  Might be a fun thing for the Tamper Evident Village if it turned out events were trying to use this for access control like plastic self-destructing wristbands.

The back contains a serial number.  I would like to see if this serial number would match the data read off the tag.

Separating the badge by prying them apart, I  spot the prize: an adhesive RFID tag placed between the glossy plastic covers.  It appears to have a model number of "CXJ-040" in the center of the tag.  It uses a circular antenna.  CXJ is the initials of Shenzen manufacturer ChuangxinjiaTheir product pages show many similar wristbands in a few different frequencies.

The tag didn't respond to my Android phone, so it is not a Mifare or similar.  Hopefully I can find a reader at the local Hackerspace or DEF CON 26.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Interacting with OpenVMS on Mac through and iterm2 and iterm2 can be used on Mac interact with an OpenVMS system by setting the right profile settings and keys with escape sequences. Most keys work by default (PF1-PF4 when Fn is used to disable Mac system interactions), but it must be configured correctly to allow access to other keys commonly used in OpenVMS terminal applications (FIND, PREV, NEXT).


The F1 - F4 function keys will work as PF1-PF4 if Fn is pressed as well.
  • If your keyboard is a large Mac keyboard with a Fn key above the arrows, access PF1 - PF4 by turing off the Mac keyboard options (brightness, volume controls, etc) by holding the Fn key and pressing F1 - F4. This also works for some other function keys. Smaller keyboards will need to map F13+. 
  • If you are on a PC keyboard, you can disable the Function Keys functions in System Preferences and return them to act as F1 - F4. 
  • If you don't want your function keys to always act as F1 - F4, the program FunctionFlip can be used to change your function keys back and forth on the fly. 

Accessing Keys with Shift and Alt

Some keys are mapped, but not accessible without using Shift and Alt in combination with the above Fn key/FunctionFlip.

Here are configs:
  • F11: Alt F6 
  • F12: Alt F7 
  • HELP: F15 on an extended keyboard or Shift F7 
  • DO: F16 on an extended keyboard or Shift F8 or Alt F11 
  • F17: Shift F9 or Alt F12 or F17 on an extended keyboard 
  • F18: Shift F10 or F18 on an extended keyboard 
  • F19: Alt F14 on an extended keyboard or F19 on an extended keyboard or map it (see below) 
  • F20: Shift F12 or Alt F15 
Some of the above work for iterm2. Here are alternate mappings:
  • F11 can be accessed with Control F11 
  • F20 will need to be mapped to a key of your choice using escape sequence [34~ 

Mapping Other Keys

Other keys can be mapped within or iterm2 by making a profile.
  1. For 
  2. Open a terminal 
  3. Go to the Terminal menu, Preferences. 
  4. Add a new profile with the + button at the bottom left. 
  5. Name it 'OpenVMS'. 
  6. On the Text tab, adjust the colors so you can differentiate it from your other terminal windows. 
  7. On the Window tab, adjust the Window Size to 132 Columns if your terminal apps support this width. 
  8. You may need to enable the keypad mode to get access to LSE's navigation keys on the keypad (PF1+4 or 5 to seek to the bottom/top). 
On the Keyboard tab, you can add mappings to individual keys that OpenVMS needs for navigation. This is useful in LSE or other text editors. Choose a Key to map and then enter a mapping. Mappings are entered by typing a control character `Ctrl + [` (will appear as \033) followed by some additional keystrokes. The following mappings have been found and are based on this Google Groups thread:
OpenVMS Key Key Action
FIND Home \033[1~
PREV PgUp \033[5~
NEXT PgDown \033[6~
SELECT End \033[4~
F19 ^ F9 \033[33~
F20 ^ F10 \033[34~

For iterm2, use Profiles:

  • Use similar escape sequences for the FIND and similar keys as above. On Profiles, Keys tab: add a hotkey and select "Send Escape Sequence" for the action. Omit the \033 from the table above. FIND end up as "Send [1~". 
  • Enable Keypad mode for navigating in LSE. Profile, Keys, keypad mode checkbox. This only works for extended keyboards.