PHP Warning: array_combine(): Both parameters should have an equal number of elements in /home/testadm/LbX/vendor/behat/gherkin/src/Behat/Gherkin/Node/TableNode.php on line 133
After hours of searching, I found that it was caused by my arguments and the PHP function array_combine(). This function requires all arrays to be combined to have the same number of elements. I can't reproduce it now, but these are possible solutions:
- The simple solution: make sure all your cells have values.
| Good | Data | Data |
| Bad | | |
- Don't put comments after a line in a multiline argument.
| key | value | # No comments after a cell
- Make sure your scenarios containing multiline arguments have a semicolon after them.
Given you have a multiline argument:
| Data | Value |
| Data | Value |
Then make sure you have a semicolon at the end of the line
I'll update this post when I figure out the true cause.